Sunday, 28 October 2012

Risk Assessment

Location: Jasmine's House Risk Assessments

Re-filmed: New Risk Assessment for re-filming and new locations
Wednesday the 7th of November

Possible risks to health and safety of you and the equipment
Avoidance strategies
Hadley walkway/park
<! . The camera equipment may be in the way and someone could trip over it, hurting themselves, and damaging the camera and other equipment.
<! . This area can be especially dark at night, and as it is winter, it gets dark earlier, so it could get too dark for filming.
<! . People frequently walk past, as it is a public area, so they could get in the way of some shots.
<! . Outdoors is especially risky due to the weather being unpredictable. If it is raining the equipment could get wet, or if it is too windy the equipment could blow over and break.
<! . Make sure that when the camera equipment is not in use, it is put to one side and not in the middle of the path or grass, in order to avoid accidents.
<! . Ensure that filming starts earlier so that it does not get dark when we film here.
<! . Make sure that no one is around when filming, avoiding people getting in the way of the camera.
<! . Assure that when we are filming outside, the weather is appropriate and dry, so that the equipment does not get damaged.

Ellie’s house on Marriott Road
<! . There is a possible risk of people getting in the way of the camera and the filming, as Ellie has a little brother, and two pets.

<! . Make sure they don’t get in the way by keeping the pets out of the room that we are filming in.

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