This is a short storyboard that my group created so that we could create a better understanding about what shots and scenes we wanted when filming:
Establishing shot- We will begin our music video with establishing shots of our setting which is going to be very rural, rustic and autumnal.
Two shots- We will then be creating lots of short two shot clips and scenes of a young couple who are in love and having a fun romantic relationship. We will show this through them kissing, play fighting, laughing, holding hands and much more.
Establishing the climax of the story through close ups of the phones- This will happen when there is a noticeable change in the rythm of the song, which becomes quite sad and slow paced. The narritive will move on through the male character texting the female character saying that he loves her and there will then be a shot of the females phone and her reaction to his message which is to panic and delete the message.
Single shots- There will then be single shots/ mid shots of the two characters contemplating theirelationship and showing saddened and upset emotions towards the situation. This will then create a 'What happens next?' for the audience as for a moment this may portray a potential split between the couple.
Shots of the artist singing- Through the course of the music video our artist will be seen through various different shots, for example: close ups, mid shots, long shots, low angle shots and many more. The artist will be and sing in the same location as the actors so that she can portray the narrative of the couple to the audience. She will also portray a very reflective emotion whilst singing suggest of that the situation of the couple may have been something that she had experienced herself.
Coming together again- The music returns to its origional beat and pace and through the visual shots and scenes of the couple holding hands and kissing again will indicate there reunion.

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