Digipaks typically consist of a gatefold paperboard or card stock outer binding, with one or more plastic trays capable of holding a CD or DVD attached to the inside. Digipak-style packaging is often used for CD singles or special editions of CD albums and the tall DVD Digipak (DVDigipak) is used as a premium package for DVDs and DVD sets. The CD DigiPak is a modern, stylish alternative to the standard CD Jewel Case. CD DigiPacks are especially popular in the music industry for CD albums as well as multiple CD disc sets. CD Digipaks give a product an expensive professional look and feel – especially when well designed CD artwork is combined with clever use of specialist print finishing options such as Matt Lamination, Spot UV or Embossing.The most common CD Digipaks is the 4 panel Digipak which opens like a book.
2.) what does a digipak net look like and how many faces are usual?
- This is a 4 panel, 1 Tray CD Digipak

- This is a 4 panel, 1 Tray CD Digipak Template
The most common CD Digipaks is the 4 panel Digipak which opens like a book. However 6 panel CD Dipipaks are also very popular, providing a larger canvas for CD artwork and text information about the CD. 8 panel and even 10 panel CD Digipaks are also available.
3.) What do we usually find on the various faces, i.e. -
Front cover: The front cover will usually consist of an image of the artist and a specific theme that may be tied in with their music/ music video or with the theme of their album or single. It usually may also have a date of release if it is going to be released online aswell as being sold in shops.
Back cover: The back cover usually consists of also another image that may be connected to the music/ music video or theme of their album or single. And it will also display the list of songs or song that are on the album or single. There is also a barcode on the back cover so that it can be sold in shops.
Inside cover: The inside cover normally will also have an image connected with the theme of their song or album as a whole.
CD tray: The CD tray normally will again have an image that carries on with the theme and images of the album or single. Sometimes this part is either the same image as the front cover or even the CD itself.
4.) Does there need to be a connection between faces on the digipack?
Yes i personally agree with this as the artist needs to portray a congruous theme and image so having different images on the faces would take this away. By doing so they give people a chance to engage into the artist and to be enthused to buy the album.
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