Friday 8 February 2013

Digipak Progress

Here is some progress of the front cover of my digipak. When taking pictures for my digipak i wanted to express the urbansied ripped wallpaper theme i researched when creating ideas for it. Luckily i found this wall localy, it wasn't exactly how i wanted it to look but i was still happy that it expressed what i wanted it to express which was a slight urban and unique feel. I started to photoshop in the text of my artists name. The text which i have chosen to use is called The Maple Origins downloaded from the text website i was introducec to called I feel that this font ties in well with the wall in the background and also reignforces the edgy urban look. I have also started to play around with the colours in this picture. By using effects such as contrast, brightening, saturation and also especially colour balance which i have used so that i can bring out the blue's and greens in the picture as i fell they stand out the most and that it is something i can use as a theme for my advert aswell.

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